Social Responsibility

Poverty Alleviation Program

  • 30 July, 2021 - Provide disaster relief for Henan Province
  • 14 October, 2021 - Help poor students in Guangxi Province
  • 17-18 August, 2022 - Research and implement progress in poverty alleviation in DahuaDahua research, implement progress

Charity Events

  • 2015 to 2021 - Annual blood donation charity event
  • July 2021 - Emdoor Charity Foundation was officially established
  • January 2022 - Emdoor sent condolatory and gift to a poor household in Laokeng community
  • 11 June, 2022 - Emdoor sent care to exceptional children

Employee Welfare

  • Diversified welfare, short-term incentives to give employees enough motivation to move up, and long-term incentives to give employees who recognize the company the opportunity to become partners and create a future together;
  • Diversified cultural activities, such as company anniversary, annual meeting, staff birthday party, staff induction activities, reading party, photography association activities, basketball & football association activities, etc.;
  • Wide and extensive promotion channels for staff, with emphasis on moral and talent, no restrictions on original professions and many opportunities for transfer;
  • Focus on staff growth, provide the learning courses needed for staff in different positions and at different stages of development, and organize training activities to motivate staff to learn and grow.

Other Social Responsibilities

  • We will do our utmost to position and assume our environmental and social responsibility from the perspective of society, and to follow responsible principles in our technological and commercial innovation process;
  • The most consumed category of logistics packaging materials is the carton. Although the whole industry in China has basically stopped using virgin pulp paper (i.e. brand new cartons), there is still much room for progress in packaging slimming (reduction of paper, tape, etc.);
  • We are exploring carbon reduction methods at three levels: carton packaging slimming, packaging material development and replacement, and packaging material recycling, using electronic labels and recyclable materials wherever possible.